** Please Note: Guests booking at the government rate will need to show a government ID during check-in.
You may also book your hotel reservation by calling
the Saint Kate Hotel directly at
(414) 276-8686
To guide you in planning your travel to Pulse ’24, below are some details you may find helpful.
Please note that planning and all expenses related to travel and accommodations for Pulse are the responsibility of each conference attendee.
If you are not local to Milwaukee, you should plan to fly into Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport (MKE).
Shuttle Service:For those attending the FTA Technology Conference prior to Pulse, shuttle service will be provided from the Baird Center to the Saint Kate Hotel at the close of FTA Tech. Shuttle transport time will be approximately 2-3 minutes or a 7-minute walk.
To/From Airport:Once you arrive in Milwaukee, there are numerous options for ground travel. A taxi or ride services provider will typically cost $25-$35 from the airport to the Saint Kate Hotel (approx. 9 miles). The trip will take 20-25 minutes depending on your arrival time into Milwaukee.
August 7-8, 2024